Some images may be allowed, at moderator discretion, if they contribute directly to the ability of the forum to answer the question at issue. This is not a forum for sharing links or images. No ticket sales/wanted, no apartment ads, no job/gig posts, no missing items. Individuals making posts or comments deemed to be intended to start or encourage political debate may be banned without warning, depending on severity of the comment or post. Questions that about politics, intended to stoke political debate, or agenda posts trying to get to political debates will not be allowed. Please reserve your downvotes for posts and comments that are off-topic or offensive.r/nyc and /r/newyorkcity may have what you're looking for. We also are not a forum for sharing crime stories or similar crime blotter style posts.
This is not a subreddit for political debate or discussion of local news events. The primary goal here is to disseminate useful information about the city.